Assistant Professor, Physics Department, Faculty of Sciences, University of Chile, Santiago, Chile
Visiting Researcher, Center for mathematical Plasma Astrophysics, KU Leuven, Leuven, Belgium
Theoretical Plasma Physics, Kinetic Theory of Plasmas, Space and Astrophysical plasma physics, Obser- vational studies of space plasmas, Numerical modelling and computer simulations of plasmas, Non-linear modelling of wave-particles interactions, wave propagation and non-linear phenomena in non-extensive and relativistic plasmas, Acceleration and Heating of the Solar Wind, Magnetospheric and Solar Wind Turbulence, Geomagnetic Storms, Quantum and relativistic plasmas, Complexity in plasmas, Relativistic Thermodynamics, Relativistic Statistical Mechanics, Interdisciplinary problems in Geophysics.
Postdoctoral Fellowship, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, USA (2013–2014). Becas-Chile Postdoctoral Fellowship, CONICYT, Chile.
Ph.D. in Physics, University of Chile (2011).
Title: Acceleration and heating of minor ions in solar wind plasma. Advisors: Juan Alejandro Valdivia and Víctor Muñoz.
B.Sc. in Physics. University of Chile, Chile (2007). Cum Laude.
Kinetic instabilities and wave-particle interactions in non Maxwellian plasmas. Linear, quasi-linear and non-linear analysis, Principal Investigator, Grant 1191351, FONDECYT, Chile.
Kinetic relaxation of non-equilibrium solar wind plasma. Advanced characterization using kappa power-law distribution functions, Visiting Researcher, BOF Network Fellowship NF/19/001, KU Leuven, Belgium.